Wrap salmone light con Lo Dough

Light salmon and cream cheese wrap with Lo Dough

Aug 24, 2021Ciboplus Srl

The wrap is basically the thinnest version of the piadina and can also be called a tortilla, unlike the normal piadina it can be rolled up and then takes on different names depending on the cuisine in which it is used. What I'm showing you today is one of the many uses you can make of the Lo Dough base (only 39 kcal!) and which allows you to enjoy a delicious and light complete lunch.

Wrap with salmon and cream cheese

Ingredients for a wrap

  • 1 base Lo Dough
  • 60g of smoked salmon
  • 60g of light spreadable cheese
  • A few lettuce leaves
  • A few small chopped tomatoes
  • A small cut radish (if you like)
  • The juice of half/a lemon
  • Salt and pepper


1) Roll out the Lo Dough base even thinner between two sheets of baking paper

2) Arrange all the ingredients on top (spread the cheese then lettuce then salmon and in the center the tomato and radish)

3) Roll up and enjoy!

MACROS (approximately)

8g Fat
9g Carbs
10.3g Fibers
25g Protein

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