Falafel fritti ad aria, leggeri e vegani | Pinkfoodshop

Air-fried falafel, light and vegan

Jul 29, 2020Barbara Arlati

This recipe is reserved for those of you who have decided to buy an air fryer in order to enjoy a really light fried meal.

Falafel are one of the most popular and well-known Middle Eastern foods, basically they have the shape of meatballs but do not contain meat. Each country and area has its own recipe in which the protagonist is a different legume, in this case they are chickpeas which for convenience I have decided to use canned (but you can very well cook them yourself).

Ingredients for 4 portions:

  • 1 pack of 440g (approximately) of cooked chickpeas
  • 1 small yellow onion cut in 4
  • 3 cloves of garlic coarsely chopped
  • 10g of chopped parsley
  • 10g of chopped coriander
  • 30g of chopped shallot
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of yeast
  • 4 tablespoons flour (plus a little for
  • Spray cooking oil

Preparation :

  1. Drain the canned chickpeas and dry them with paper towels
  2. Put the onions, garlic, parsley, shallots, coriander, cumin, salt and chilli pepper in the food processor equipped with a steel blade and operate it for 30/60 seconds then add the chickpeas and operate in fits and starts for two or three times so that they grind but do not become a purée
  3. Add the yeast and flour, mix everything together once with the spatula before running the mixer two or three times again for a few seconds
  4. Divide the mixture into 12 balls (if they are too sticky, dirty your hands with flour to handle them better)
  5. Preheat the air fryer to 180°
  6. Spray the falafels with the spray oil and cook them for 14 minutes, turning them halfway through cooking

The ideal is to serve them accompanied by salad and hummus (to stay in the Middle Eastern theme)

Each portion (3 falafel): 124 Kcal | 24g Carbs (4g Fiber and 1g Sugars) | 2g Fat | 6g Protein

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